Hanging with the upper school girls. Don't they look great?

We are now in Damarland Namibia but I wanted to share these pictures which I was able to take on our community visits last week.

We saw a total of 6 different schools which the Africa Foundation has helped to build. It is so important for EVERY child to recieve an education as well as a good meal each day – that is why we are working to get more kitchens built along with schools.

Having a little fun with the school children.

Me with the little children at day care.

Helping the kids fetch water.

New kitchen we just built - "Food for the body to feed the brain" - af.org

While I was saddened at first for the conditions that these children have to endure, their amazing positivity and hospitality showed me that you can truly make the best of any situation. They enjoy going to school and are so appreciative for everything the Africa Foundation has done for them. Please visit  africafoundation.org for information on how you can help today.

For more updates on my trip keep checking my blog,  become my fan on facebook and  follow me on twitter!!

xo, Ramona.

*Africa Foundation works in conjunction with &Beyond Foundation to provide aid for the children of Africa.

We are now in Namibia at camp Little Kulala. This is a desert retreat.  We had a full day of guided drives through the towering dunes.  Tomorrow we continue on to the Desert Rhino camp.  I have included some photos of where we are staying, so you can feel like you are here with me on my Safari.

Africa is such a beautiful continent with so much to offer…

Namibia Desert

Wildnerness Safaris 'Little Kulala

Wilderness Safaris' Little Kulala

Be sure to follow me on twitter and become a fan on my facebook page for pictures and other updates from my trip!

xo, Ramona

Photos courtesy of Wilderness Safaris.

Next Stop – Zambia!

May 17, 2010

We are in Zambia at camp Toka Leya. Check out these amazing photos of where I am staying. The Wilderness Safaris and &Beyond camps have been nothing short of phenomenal!! I feel so lucky to be here! I saw some amazing landscapes and experienced nature like you only see in the movies.

It is truly a blessing to experience ALL sides of Africa. It is a wonderful country and the girls and I are getting the opportunity to do and see things that we could have only dreamt of, including the chance to visit with persons/communities who’s lives have been touched by The Africa Foundation.

Please check back tomorrow for more photos and information!

xo, Ramona

Photos courtesy of Wilderness Safaris

Wanted to share these pictures from the Xarana (&Beyond)  and Mombo (Wilderness Safaris) camps which we had the pleasure of staying at last week, while visiting the Okavango Delta in Botswana.
We were told that these camps are the top operators in South Africa and I have to agree, as both camps were beyond amazing and truly exceeded my expectations!!!
&Beyond’s Xarana Camp

&Beyond’s Xarana Camp

&Beyond's Xarana Camp

Wilderness Safari’s Mombo Camp

Wilderness Safari's Mombo Camp

Wildnerness Safari's Mombo Camp

Please keep checking my blog for more updates and picture!

xo, Ramona

*www.AfricaFoundation.org works in conjunction with &Beyond Foundation to provide aid for Africa’s children.

Photos courtesy of Wilderness Safaris and &Beyond

I am in Botswana first in the Xaranna camp and tomorrow I will be headed for the Mombo camp. We went on a community visit to the Mtembeni Primary School, Mahlekisana Primary School and the Health Clinic. The moment I see the children and the expressions on their faces I am brought to tears.  Many classrooms are actually located in the hot African sun, under a shady tree. There are no supplies – no chalkboards, notepads, etc. The AfricaFoundation.org raises money to build real schools – schools with walls, administrative supplies and student supplies. And after the school is built, the government provides certified teachers so the children actually learn.  I wanted to now share with you photos of the schools and children that I have been privileged to meet and spend time with. Education is so important to me and these children have so much promise, please visit: www.AfricaFoundation.org to make your contribution today, it is so important to help and support the leaders of tomorrow.

& Beyond is yet another company who we will get the opportunity to tour with in Africa while benefiting The AfricaFoundation.org.

&Beyond was established alongside rising international demand for ecotourism and wilderness experiences, and in the belief that, through business enterprise, wildlife conservation could be placed on a sustainable economic footing.

With roots in Africa, & Beyond runs nearly 50 magical safari lodges and camps in the most breathtaking parts of the continent and, through this, sustain hundreds of rural communities and millions of acres of precious, sometimes endangered wildlife land.

For more information please visit www.AndBeyond.com.

Be sure to stay tuned into my blog – pictures to come soon!

(**www.africafoundation.org works in conjuction with the &Beyond foundation)

xoxo, Ramona

Everyone has been inquiring about my Africa trip, so I wanted to share with you the information for the companies I am traveling with…

See below for information on Wilderness Safaris:

One of the companies that we are traveling with as part of supporting the AfricaFoundation.com is Wilderness Safaris. Wilderness Safaris is a conservation organization and ecotourism company dedicated to responsible tourism throughout the areas in which it operates in southern Africa. Its goal is to share these wild areas with guests from all over the world, while at the same time helping to ensure the future protection of Africa’s spectacular wildlife heritage and sharing the benefits of tourism with local communities.

Its wildlife, marine and heritage safaris in remote and pristine wilderness destinations are specialized, educational, explorative and fun. Camps and services are safe, hygienic, authentic and insightful of guests’ needs. Its “conservation through tourism” policy shares the benefits of tourism with local communities and ensures the protection of these areas for future generations.

Wilderness Safaris is privileged to operate privately on 2.8 million hectares (6.5 million acres) of southern Africa’s finest wildlife reserves in some 60 lodges and camps. There is no one style set in Wilderness camps; rather we celebrate the difference and uniqueness of each area and its wildlife so that each group of camps has its own identity, feel and character. This variety of accommodation, activities and product means that there’s something for everyone wanting to come to Africa.

For more information please visit www.Wilderness-Safaris.com and also read my older blog post about the Africa Foundation by clicking here!

Be sure to check back on my blog for more information and photos of my amazing trip!

xoxo, Ramona

What a long flight…though I must say it was refreshing to have some time to myself as lately between family, business and Bravo I have been so incredibly busy.  I am staying in Kruger National Park which is in South Africa in Ngala which is a tented camp.  I am with 8 other lovely ladies who are just as excited about this experience as I am.  Be sure to check back here for more information and photos about my trip to Africa.

xoxo, Ramona

Last week I was lucky enough to gather some of New York’s best editors to view my line of estate jewelry for HSN.  The event was held at Mizu Salon on Park Avenue and my guests were treated to complimentary blowouts, wine and hors de vours.  I loved having my daughter Avery with me to celebrate my line as she is always part of my inspiration in everything I do.  I feel so privileged to have the opportunity to showcase The Ramona Singer Collection and I am thrilled by the amazing feedback I have been receiving.

For more information on the collection and to make your purchase please visit http://www.HSN.com and type in Ramona Singer.

Photos are courtesy of Ferris Vanderveer

Here is a link to Avery’s very first interview.

I am so proud of her for sharing her thoughts on me being a “Real Housewife of New York”.


Enjoy! xoxo Ramona